IPL & hair laser removal course
If you want to learn how to do laser hair removal, then our course will help you learn the most effective method of hair removal in all areas in the shortest possible time.
course cost
training format
Course Training Program
3 ac. hours
Theoretical foundations
- The list of necessary supplies;
- Types of Lasers;
- Comparative analysis of various types of laser hair removal;
- How to make the procedure as painless as possible.
4 ac. hours
Laser hair removal techniques
- Laser hair removal techniques. Statistical (STAMP) and dynamic (INMOTION) laser hair removal modes;
- Testing the technique of laser hair removal;
- How to avoid complications and adverse reactions.
5 ac. hours
Treatment of the different zones
- The nuances of working with the bikini area;
- Working with armpits, legs, arms;
- face epilation.
Course importance

You will learn about the structure of the hair, analyze the benefits of laser hair removal among other methods of depilation and analyze the contraindications to the procedure. 
More than 40% of girls regularly remove their hair with a laser, choosing the smooth and beautiful skin. And this means only one thing —
you will constantly have clients. 
Professional education
In l’Ecole de Beauté school, you can master the skills of a beautician at the professional level, and a certificate of completion will help in finding a job. Lecturer
School portfolio
Fill the form to book a course with discount
27 march
Full cost
£1,412 before discount 40%
Photos of classes
What we are proud of at our school
What you will learn
to remove unwanted facial and body hair with a long lasting effect;
to use the hair laser removal equipment correctly;
to work with different areas of your clients;
to give recommendations for care after the procedure

What will you get by studying at the courses
Enroll for course
IPL & hair laser removal course
- Practice with models
- All supplies are included
Full cost
£1,412 before discount 40%
How to get there
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road
Working hours:
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