Plant based vegan nutrition course
This course contains the most necessary information about plant nutrition: from products to trace elements. You will learn the tools available to everyone for changing behavior and eating habits that will help integrate whole-plant nutrition into your lifestyle.
course cost
training format
Course Training Program
3 ac. hours
Rules for making a vegetable diet
- What is the reason for most common health problems of vegetarians and how to adjust their diet;
- Ways to adapt the menu for vegetarians;
- Plant Sources of Calcium, Vitamin D, Iron, protein, zinc, Omega-3 and B12.
3 ac. hours
Learning to make a healthy and tasty menu
- Based on the ready-made menu,
- how to intelligently replace products, adapt to the available cooking methods.
3 ac. hours
Supplements for vegetarians
- What supplements will make us healthier for 80% of the world's population
- How to choose the ones that really work and not run into a fake
- How to take it right
Course importance

Why this course
Our society NEEDS professionals who use scientifically proven and in-depth knowledge of nutrition and physical health 
For whom
Coaches, healthy lifestyle specialists, parents and nannies, Fitness trainers 
Your future workplace
in clinics specializing in weight loss, medical centers, scientific institutions, sports organizations, sanatoriums and dispensaries. Lecturer
Fill the form to book a course with discount
26 march
Full cost
£325 before discount 40%
Photos of classes
What we are proud of at our school
What you will learn
to make a diet to increase speed and endurance for sports achievements;
to choose a menu for every day for weight loss or weight gain on plant foods;
to create an individual diet / to analyze food diary;
to choose a variety of plant foods to fully satisfy your needs for vitamins, amino acids, minerals and calories

What will you get by studying at the courses
Enroll for course
Plant based vegan nutrition course
- Practice with models
- All supplies are included
Full cost
£325 before discount 40%
How to get there
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road
Working hours:
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