Eyebrow shaping course (HD Brow)
Properly designed eyebrows can make a woman more attractive, and unkempt — spoil even the most beautiful face. For a more perfect shape, it is necessary to color the eyebrows, taking into account the direction of hair growth, their structure, density, length and growth rate.
course cost
training format
HD Brows Training Program
3 ac. hours
Eyebrow correction and shaping
- Eyebrow shaping with tweezers.
- Design techniques using cosmetics.
- Sterilization of the instrument.
- Eyebrow modeling using the techniques "Golden section", "Three lines" and "Lifting".
3 ac. hours
Coloring with professional colorer
- Determination of dye quality, skin color type, dye selection.
- Staining procedure.
2 ac. hours
Bio tattoo and spa treatments for eyebrows
- The advantages of tattooing, the procedure for the work of a master, creating a gradient with bio tattoo, peculiarities of shades.
- Subtleties of care and activators of eyebrow growth.
- SPA treatments for eyebrows, prevention of hair loss.
Learning Outcomes

You will learn how:
to select eyebrows according to the type of face;
to model the shape of eyebrows in age-related clients;
to perform eyebrow shaping using henna.

You can:
Make a correction with tweezers according to the specified shape of the eyebrows;
Choose the right shade of paint and give durability to staining. 
Your future employers
Almost every beauty salon needs professionals to correct and color eyebrows, whether it is a beauty salon or a large center for the provision of beauty services. Lecturer
School Portfolio
Fill the form to book a course with discount
26 march
Full cost
£145 before discount 40%
What does hd eyebrows training look like


Makeup school is an opportunity to earn a lot of money doing your favorite thing.
At the practical courses of the School of Makeup, you will learn the features of correcting various face shapes, master the basic techniques of makeup.
You expand your skills by mastering creative types of makeup and creating makeup.
At the practical courses of the School of Makeup, you will learn the features of correcting various face shapes, master the basic techniques of makeup.
You expand your skills by mastering creative types of makeup and creating makeup.
What we are proud of at our school
After the "HD brow Course" you will be able to:
Select eyebrows
To select eyebrows according to the type of face. To correct with the help of eyebrows some facial imperfections Make a correction
To make a correction with tweezers according to the specified shape of the eyebrows. To perform eyebrow shaping using henna. Shape of eyebrows
To model the shape of eyebrows in age-related clients Shade of paint
To choose the right shade of paint and give durability to staining. 

What will you get by studying at the courses
Enroll for course
Eyebrow shaping course (HD Brow)
- Practice with models
- All supplies are included
Full cost
£145 before discount 40%
How to get there
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road
Working hours:
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