Fashion business course
Get to know the basics of fashion management and pricing. Learn how to position a product and a collection in a highly competitive market, learn how to analyze the work of competitors and the principles of the leading fashion brands work.
course cost
training format
Fashion business management program
5 ac. hours
Buying: what, where and when to buy
- how to choose the product that will be commercially successful;
- what is the difference between the markets of Europe, Russia and Asia;
- how to negotiate with brands on favorable terms and negotiate delivery.
5 ac. hours
Market analysis and purchases assortment planning
- how to draw up a store assortment matrix and analyze sales;
- how to calculate the margin, the retail price of goods;
- how to plan the budget and yield of the collection;
- how to draw up a purchase order.
5 ac. hours
Visual merchandising
- Space concept and visual design;
- Identifying hot and cold zones;
- Specificity of merchandising for different price segments;
- Specificity of working with groups of women's and men's clothing.
5 ac. hours
Sales Boost Tools
- store positioning and concept;
- what tools increase sales: promotions, collaborations, joint events;
- work with inventory balances;
- interaction with the team.
5 ac. hours
- Analysis of previous seasons and new collections to determine the fashion assortment for the season;
- Collection efficiency calculation;
- Calculation of the capacity of goods in the store;
- Creation of concepts for seasonal decoration of shop windows and the area of the inner shop window.
Course importance

Completion of each
On completion of each course at L’ecole de Beauté, you will receive a professional certificate. 
Personal portfolio
Having an impressive personal portfolio is a great way to demonstrate your competences, abilities and skills. 
Learning about
The courses of our Fashion Design School are set out to give you the opportunity of learning about the industry and to start working on your basic skills in a very short period of time. Lecturer
Fill the form to book a course with discount
29 march
Full cost
£330 before discount 40%
Photos of classes
What we are proud of at our school
What you will learn
to analyze the competitive environment for your product;
to present the concept of style and the commercial proposal for its implementation;
to build interaction with retail;
to coordinate the collection demonstration in the showroom.

What will you get by studying at the courses
Enroll for course
Fashion business course
- Practice with models
- All supplies are included
Full cost
£330 before discount 40%
How to get there
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road
Working hours:
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