Personal shopper training course
If you want to learn how to make purchases correctly, then an effective shopping course will help you become a professional shopper in just 3 practical classes. You can work as an independent personal shopper or be hired directly by large stores.
course cost
training format
Personal shopper course program
3 ac. hours
Theoretical foundations
- Сolor directions of appearance;
- Types of faces and figures;
- How to combine clothing styles with each other. Errors in style combinations.
3 ac. hours
What will you learn:
- fashion houses and online stores that will allow you to quickly pick up a unique kit for the client.
- identify individual characteristics and correctly frame them with the minimalism of a basic wardrobe.
2 ac. hours
At the end of the course you be able to:
- master capsule wardrobe design;
- learn not only to disassemble the wardrobe, but also to mentally prepare its owner for this.
Course importance

Why choose this course
Everyone will be able to work with a sewing machine, the main thing is to master the initial technique, and only then proceed to a more complex one. 
Your future employers
Having this diploma means that you have fully completed our Fashion Design School and are prepared for a career in the fashion industry. 
Including help
We provide our graduates with job-placement and career services, including help with finding job openings, and building portfolios. Lecturer
Fill the form to book a course with discount
16 february
Full cost
£408 before discount 40%
Photos of classes
What we are proud of at the our school
What you will learn
to understand style directions and fashion trends;
to choose a wardrobe from the things of famous or young designers, luxury products, famous brands that are most suitable and meet the expectations of your client;
to track fashion presentations, sales and other events of the fashion world and to invite clients;
to know how to increase the average check and satisfaction of your customers

What will you get by studying at the courses Intensive training courses
Enroll for course
Personal shopper training course
- Practice with models
- All supplies are included
Full cost
£408 before discount 40%
How to get there
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road
Working hours:
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