Barbering beginners course

Barbering beginners course

At first glance, men’s haircuts seem to be a simple process, because most consider the master’s quick work as easy movements, you don’t need to color, curl too. However, many are greatly mistaken, not every student will be able to make an actual male haircut with scissors, a machine or a razor. Therefore, the course is designed for everyone who came to study from scratch.
course cost
training format

Course Training Program

Theory of men's haircuts
5 ac. hours
Theory of men's haircuts
  • You will learn the basic terminology of men’s haircuts, learn with what techniques a man’s style is created.
  • Learn to distinguish a male silhouette from a female one.
Short male hairstyles
5 ac. hours
Short male hairstyles
  • You will acquire the skills to create short haircuts, master the technique of «scissors on a comb» and the technique of cutting a typewriter.
Long hairstyles for men
5 ac. hours
Long hairstyles for men
  • Modern technology performance. You will learn how to perform basic techniques of cutting «on the fingers.»
  • Master the different types of cut and different techniques to create texture. Also master haircut styling.
Course importance
The practice takes place on the models provided by the school. You only need to have the desire to gain knowledge and skills, the rest is ours.
To start working
For those who need to start working in a new profession within a month after the start of training and earn the first money on men’s haircuts.
Creating fashionable
Use various hairdressing tools with which to create men’s hairstyles. In practice, apply modern techniques for creating fashionable and stylish hairstyles for different hair lengths.


Shannon Hamilton
Hair stylist, experience: over 12 years

Specialization: styling, color dyeing, haircuts, highlighting, hair coloring

In order to be happy in this world, it is important for us to find ourselves, to find our life's work. This profession is multifaceted and will never become boring and mundane, development in it is limitless. Become a part of something truly big. Become part of a family of colorists around the world.
Read more
Shannon Hamilton
School portfolio
barber diploma course
barber diploma course
barber diploma course
barber diploma course
barber diploma course
barber diploma course
barber diploma course
barber diploma course
barber diploma course
barber diploma course
barber diploma course

Fill the form to book a course with discount

40% 13 march

Full cost


£19,800 before discount 40%

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Photos of classes
Курс парикмахера для начинающих (мужские стрижки 1-й этап)
Курс парикмахера для начинающих (мужские стрижки 1-й этап)
Курс парикмахера для начинающих (мужские стрижки 1-й этап)
Курс парикмахера для начинающих (мужские стрижки 1-й этап)
Курс парикмахера для начинающих (мужские стрижки 1-й этап)
Курс парикмахера для начинающих (мужские стрижки 1-й этап)
Курс парикмахера для начинающих (мужские стрижки 1-й этап)

What we are proud of at our school

Supplies included. No hidden charges.
80% practice 20% theory
80% practice 20% theory
You will learn classic makeup skills.
7 days
7 days
Contact us for upcoming training dates.

What you will learn

how to get curly hair men;
to understand haircut styles for men;
to select mens fade haircuts;
to pick up haircuts for black men

Certificate Information

Intensive training courses
Intensive training courses
20% theory, 80% practice
20% theory, 80% practice
Free consumables
Free consumables
Diploma or certificate
Diploma or certificate

Enroll for course

Barbering beginners course

  • Practice with models
  • All supplies are included

Full cost


£19,800 before discount 40%


13 march

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Во время отправки заявки произошла ошибка. Попробуйте отправить заявку заново или свяжитесь с нами по по телефону: +7 (812) 648-00-83.
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How to get there
Address: Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road Working hours:
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