Bixyplastia hair training courses
We invite you to undergo training in a salon haircare special type - Bixyplasty. It is a powerful vitamin complex based on bix Orellana fruit extract. Structuring and nourishing coarse, finely curly hair, giving well-groomed, shine, softness to porous, thick and coarse hair, restore or protect hair from UV radiation, add resistance to moisture from the environment - this is what Bixyplasty can give.
course cost
training format
Bixyplastia of hair courses training program
3 ac. hours
Hair cleansing
- Products selection for deep hair cleansing
- Deep cleansing stages
- Scalp peeling technique
3 ac. hours
Strengthening techniques
- A strengthening composition selection for hair restoration;
- Strengthening and structuring techniques;
- Hot ironing technique: temperature selection.
2 ac. hours
Care after the Bixyplasty
- Care after the procedure;
- Hairstyling rules after Bixyplasty.
Course importance

Why choose this course
Hair that has lost its health comes back to life, the straightening effect enhances the Bixyplasty' result, emphasizing the density and smoothness of the hair. By learning this grooming technique, you will create a customer’s line for yourself. 
For whom
This course is perfect for hair masters who want to make popular hair treatments for their clients. The course will be useful for hairdressers, stylists, hairdressers, all those who want to reveal the hair natural beauty. 
Your future employers
Skills of this course will be useful for expanding the range of services of a hairdresser, hair care specialist.The natural hair restoration method is in high demand among clients. Lecturer
School Portfolio
Fill the form to book a course with discount
29 march
Full cost
£165 before discount 40%
What does training look like
What we are proud of at the our school
What you will learn
To straighten wavy hair that is difficult to style
To eliminate tangles by making it easier to comb
To restore hair structure for perfect smoothness
To eliminate excessive hair frizz

Advantages of studying at our school
Enroll for course
Bixyplastia hair training courses
- Practice with models
- All supplies are included
Full cost
£165 before discount 40%
How to get there
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road
Working hours:
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