Blow drying courses
The best way to show your skill is to style your hair with a hairdryer, the whole result and your work cost depend on it. The School rich program includes both salon classics and the most current trends in modern styling.
course cost
training format
Blow drying courses training program
3 ac. hours
Techniques and features for short, medium and long hair
- Hair blowing techniques and features for short, medium and long hair
- Setting both hands when working with a hairdryer
- Techniques for the root, uniform and maximum volume formation
- Tools and styling products
3 ac. hours
Working with the hair growth peculiarities
- Methods for the formation of curls, spiral, horizontal
- Curls types. Algorithm for constructing curls
- Setting hands for styling with an iron
- Preparation and styling for long hair: Curls - Hollywood - hair dryer-volume, with the technique step-by-step explanation
6 ac. hours
Practice on models
- Laying schemes: Victory, Zigzag, Hors, Horizon
- Technique: diagonal, horizontal, parquet
- Styling curly hair features, polishing
- Techniques for redirecting styling
- Layout and curl extensions
- Setting hands-on Hollywood curls
- Mastering hair wrapping techniques.
Course importance

Why choose this course
The course includes training in modern hair design techniques and techniques. You will learn More than 15 techniques and elements for creating styling with a hairdryer and styling for all hair types 
For whom
Beginners. For hairdressers with experience. Hair care girls. Do you want to create your hairstyles and styles and provide your hair with the right care? Find out more about working as a hairdresser' secrets!

Your future employers
After the courses you will be able to work in beauty salons, hairdressers, paired with a wedding stylist, or open your own business and visit clients at home. Lecturer
Fill the form to book a course with discount
29 march
Full cost
£165 before discount 40%
What does training look like
What we are proud of at the our school
What you will learn
To create root volume for various styling forms;
To dry hair in a given shape;
To select styling products for a specific hair type;
To arrange styling using light combed hair, fleece, "root varnish".

Advantages of studying at our school
Enroll for course
Blow drying courses
- Practice with models
- All supplies are included
Full cost
£165 before discount 40%
How to get there
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road
Working hours:
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