Hair braiding course

Hair braiding course

Have you wanted to learn how to weave braids for your friends or daughter? Thinking of becoming a hairstylist, but don’t know where to start? In order not to waste time in vain and make braid your earnings, you should contact a specialized institution with highly qualified specialists.
course cost
training format

How to braid hair course training program

Classic techniques
2 ac. hours
Classic techniques
  • Tools to help you create stylish braids.
  • Review of means of styling.
  • How the french braid is woven.
  • Learn to create a fishtail hairstyle or weave a braid inside out.
Complex braids
2 ac. hours
Complex braids
  • Hone free weaving skills.
  • A braid of a large number of strands.
  • Weave ribbons.
  • Create a light and delicate waterfall hairstyle.
  • Weave a neat and stylish headband of hair, which is suitable for every day and for a special occasion.
Braid as a hairstyle
4 ac. hours
Braid as a hairstyle
  • Create stylish hairstyles based on braids.
  • Trying simple hairstyles and moving on to more complex options.
  • We form a flower from several french braids.
  • A stunning bunch of multiple braids.
  • We work with models, perfecting weaving skills.
Course importance
Why choose this course
At the l’Ecole de Beauté school, you will learn how to braid all kinds of braids from scratch and create original hairstyles. In weaving courses, you will learn how to make any kind of braids in 3 practical exercises.
For whom
For those who want to find their favorite job, start getting acquainted with the profession of a stylist and learn the secrets of the masters.
Your future employers
With this skill, you can earn money at home by finding clients through the Internet, or by going through the whole school of hairdressers to open your own beauty salon.


Shannon Hamilton
Hair stylist, experience: over 12 years

Specialization: styling, color dyeing, haircuts, highlighting, hair coloring

In order to be happy in this world, it is important for us to find ourselves, to find our life's work. This profession is multifaceted and will never become boring and mundane, development in it is limitless. Become a part of something truly big. Become part of a family of colorists around the world.
Read more
Shannon Hamilton
School Portfolio
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course

Fill the form to book a course with discount

40% 29 march

Full cost


£128 before discount 40%

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What does easy braids training look like
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course
Hair braiding course

What we are proud of at our school

Supplies included. No hidden charges.
80% practice 20% theory
80% practice 20% theory
You will learn classic makeup skills.
7 days
7 days
Contact us for upcoming training dates.

What you will learn

how to do a french braid;
The trainer will show you how to plaite a French braid in stages in three ways.
how to do a fishtail braid;
Let us examine in practice how to weave a fishtail braid for short, medium and long hair.
how to do a dutch braid;
Let's learn to weave a braid in a zigzag, turning it inside out, with side fleece.
how to do a waterfall braid
Consider braiding a zigzag braid with a ribbon waterfall and a one-sided version / double waterfall.

Advantages of studying at our school

Intensive training courses
Intensive training courses
20% theory, 80% practice
20% theory, 80% practice
Free consumables
Free consumables
Diploma or certificate
Diploma or certificate

Enroll for course

Hair braiding course

  • Practice with models
  • All supplies are included

Full cost


£128 before discount 40%


29 march

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How to get there
Address: Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road Working hours:
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