Hair colouring course for beginners

Hair colouring course for beginners

Hair coloristic course from scratch provides complete systemic knowledge on hair coloring in practice and lays the foundation for successful work as a colorist in any city in the world.
course cost
training format

Hair colouring training program

Coloring tone on tone
3 ac. hours
Coloring tone on tone
The teacher will teach you how to select dyeing hair to match the natural shade. You will learn how to work with ammonia and ammonia-free dyes. In practice, you will work out the classic technique of primary staining.
Intensive toning
3 ac. hours
Intensive toning
You will learn how to apply the coloring agent, create the effect of “burning roots”. Learn to select materials and apply different tinting schemes, from simple one-coat to complex tinting.
Work with gray
3 ac. hours
Work with gray
In the classroom, you will learn how to work with gray hair. We determine the type of gray hair and the percentage of filling. Learn how to pre-pigment and use a bristle blend.
Work with blondes
3 ac. hours
Work with blondes
  • Learn how to create different shades of blond.
  • We study the mechanism of action of bleaching agents.
  • We practice the techniques of root highlighting, pickling, classical clarification.
Interior coloring
4 ac. hours
Interior coloring
Learn in detail all the key coloring techniques for light, dark and gray hair of various lengths and structures. Under the guidance
Course importance
Why choose this course
Knowing the basics of coloristics will help hairdressers and stylists create incredible images. To be a master in your field, to please visitors, to expand its customer base, you need to constantly improve the necessary skills and learn.
For whom
For masters with experience — as this course eliminates all coloristic gaps that previously led to undesirable results in hair coloring. For those who want to become a colorist for themselves and in everyday life.
Your future employers
The most capable students begin to work in prestigious beauty salons before completing their studies. You can choose a salon that is suitable for the working conditions and the convenience of location.


Shannon Hamilton
Hair stylist, experience: over 12 years

Specialization: styling, color dyeing, haircuts, highlighting, hair coloring

In order to be happy in this world, it is important for us to find ourselves, to find our life's work. This profession is multifaceted and will never become boring and mundane, development in it is limitless. Become a part of something truly big. Become part of a family of colorists around the world.
Read more
Shannon Hamilton
School Portfolio
Hair coloring course for beginners
Hair coloring course for beginners
Hair coloring course for beginners
Hair coloring course for beginners
Hair coloring course for beginners
Hair coloring course for beginners
Hair coloring course for beginners

Fill the form to book a course with discount

40% 28 march

Full cost


£39,700 before discount 40%

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What does training look like
Hair coloring course for beginners
Hair coloring course for beginners
Hair coloring course for beginners
Hair coloring course for beginners
Hair coloring course for beginners
Hair coloring course for beginners
Hair coloring course for beginners
Hair coloring course for beginners
Hair coloring course for beginners

What we are proud of at our school

Supplies included. No hidden charges.
80% practice 20% theory
80% practice 20% theory
You will learn classic makeup skills.
7 days
7 days
Contact us for upcoming training dates.

What you will learn

Colored hair
Do graduation of color on natural hair. To produce high-quality coloring of natural and colored hair.
Masters with experience
For masters with experience — as this course eliminates all coloristic gaps that previously led to undesirable results in hair coloring.
Knowing the basics of coloristics will help hairdressers and stylists create incredible images. To be a master in your field, to please visitors, to expand its customer base, you need to constantly improve the necessary skills and learn.
For those who want
For those who want to become a colorist for themselves and in everyday life. Dye gray hair of any density. Competent selection of hair care products.

Advantages of studying at our school

Intensive training courses
Intensive training courses
20% theory, 80% practice
20% theory, 80% practice
Free consumables
Free consumables
Diploma or certificate
Diploma or certificate

Enroll for course

Hair colouring course for beginners

  • Practice with models
  • All supplies are included

Full cost


£39,700 before discount 40%


28 march

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How to get there
Address: Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road Working hours:
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