Hairdressers beginners course

Hairdressers beginners course

Hairdressing is a must for everyone. In order to satisfy the desires of any client, we offer to undergo training in our Ecole Training Center! Learn to perform 9 basic haircuts in 16 practical classes and get an international diploma.
course cost
training format

Course Training Program

Theoretical foundations
2 ac. hours
Theoretical foundations
  • Theory and practice of correct work with tools: learn to keep scissors professionally. Safety work with scissors.
  • 3 techniques for creating haircuts: line, graduation, layers.
  • 3 forms of haircuts: circle, square, triangle.
Haircut techniques
3 ac. hours
Haircut techniques
  • The correct position of the hands and body when creating a haircut. Learning to allocate clean partings and areas on the head.
  • We carry out the lines parallel to the floor, the lines from the face and the lines on the face.
Practical skills
3 ac. hours
Practical skills
  • Working out on the dummy of a classic graduated haircut, a short graduated haircut, a short graduated & classic bean from the face.
  • Testing on a dummy cut by layers for lengthening, cutting by layers to the back of the head, concave layers, round layers.
Course importance
At the department of hairdressing, you can get a high-quality professional education by going to the hairdresser “from scratch” or improve your qualifications, gaining additional knowledge in all areas of hairdressing.
Begin to work
The most capable students begin to work in prestigious beauty salons before completing their studies. You can choose a salon that is suitable for the working conditions and the convenience of location.
Studying at the Ecole Hair Academy is a guarantee of further employment in the best beauty salons, which entrust us with staff selection!


Shannon Hamilton
Hair stylist, experience: over 12 years

Specialization: styling, color dyeing, haircuts, highlighting, hair coloring

In order to be happy in this world, it is important for us to find ourselves, to find our life's work. This profession is multifaceted and will never become boring and mundane, development in it is limitless. Become a part of something truly big. Become part of a family of colorists around the world.
Read more
Shannon Hamilton

Fill the form to book a course with discount

40% 29 march

Full cost


£54,200 before discount 40%

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Photos of classes
Курс парикмахера для начинающих
Курс парикмахера для начинающих
Курс парикмахера для начинающих
Курс парикмахера для начинающих
Курс парикмахера для начинающих
Курс парикмахера для начинающих
Курс парикмахера для начинающих
Курс парикмахера для начинающих
Курс парикмахера для начинающих
Курс парикмахера для начинающих
Курс парикмахера для начинающих
Курс парикмахера для начинающих

What we are proud of at our school

Supplies included. No hidden charges.
80% practice 20% theory
80% practice 20% theory
You will learn classic makeup skills.
7 days
7 days
Contact us for upcoming training dates.

What you will learn

how to cut hair with scissors and comb or clippers
how to choose a hairstyle for everyone;
how to curl hair with straighteners
to make hairstyles for short or long hair;

What will you get by studying at the courses

Intensive training courses
Intensive training courses
20% theory, 80% practice
20% theory, 80% practice
Free consumables
Free consumables
Diploma or certificate
Diploma or certificate

Enroll for course

Hairdressers beginners course

  • Practice with models
  • All supplies are included

Full cost


£54,200 before discount 40%


29 march

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Во время отправки заявки произошла ошибка. Попробуйте отправить заявку заново или свяжитесь с нами по по телефону: +7 (812) 648-00-83.
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How to get there
Address: Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road Working hours:
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