Nanoplasty of hair courses
Learn to perform the Hair Nanoplasty procedure. Keratin, which is the mixture part, restores the hair structure, straightens it. Due to the composition, the hair looks healthy, well-groomed and shiny. Improve your qualifications or apply the knowledge gained for yourself.
course cost
training format
Training Program
3 ac. hours
Tools for work overview
- The technology stages for applying the composition;
- Procedures temperature regime.
- Temperatures selection for hair different types.
2 ac. hours
Hair diagnostics
- Hair structure. Hair bonds, chemical processes and reactions.
- Hair types and hair density.
- The hair damage degree.
- Nanoplasty over other procedures advantages
3 ac. hours
The Hair Nanoplasty procedure features
The substances that make up the mixture
Safety procedures
Rules for setting hands when performing nanoplasty.
Safety procedures
Rules for setting hands when performing nanoplasty.
4 ac. hours
Further care advice
- Ph levels and home hair care proper selection.
- Frequent mistakes made by masters and how to avoid them.
- Practicing all hair nanoplasty procedure techniques on models.
Course importance

Why choose this course
To become a progressive specialist in this activity, you need training from a qualified professional and in a specialized institution. 
Why choose this course
The collagen hair treatment turns lifeless curls into smooth and shiny strands that look healthy. The effect is visible after the first use. 
For whom
This course is perfect for hair masters who want to make popular hair treatments for their clients. Lecturer
School portfolio
Fill the form to book a course with discount
21 december
Full cost
£13,500 before discount 40%
What does training look like
What we are proud of at the our school
What you will learn
To orientate in the products for nanoplasty range
You will learn how to choose the best formulations for the procedure; To diagnose hair state
You will learn how to correctly determine your clients' hair health and give them competent advice on the salon procedures choice. To recommend further hair care products
You can select shampoos and care masks to prolong the hair nanoplasty effect.
To do nanoplasty professionally
You will get the opportunity to replenish your services price list by adding nano plastics to it. 

Advantages of studying at our school
Enroll for course
Nanoplasty of hair courses
- Practice with models
- All supplies are included
Full cost
£13,500 before discount 40%
How to get there
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road
Working hours:
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