Airbrush makeup course
The airbrushing technique has become a popular method of applying makeup. During this course, we will reveal all the secrets of the airbrush and tell about the rules for the use and care of this tool. We will teach you how to apply unique techniques to create beautiful impeccable makeup. You will learn the most popular airbrushing techniques and methods that are used in the world's leading studios.
course cost
training format
Airbrush makeup course program
4 ac. hours
- Airbrush device. Principles of working with an airbrush.
- The specifics of the selection of decorative cosmetics for the airbrush.
- Toning. Sculpting.
4 ac. hours
Airbrush techniques
- Stencil airbrush make-up technique (simple / complex)
- Mixed media make-up technique (brush + Airbrush)
4 ac. hours
Demonstration on the model of practicing techniques:
- applying tone and light shade correction,
- blush, shading,
- highlighter, bronzer,
- applying eyebrows using stencils.
Course importance

Your future skills
To hide any facial skin problems; to save time by doing makeup quickly with an airbrush. 
You will add to your arsenal new services "wedding airbrush make-up", "make-up with an airbrush for prom" and "air make-up for photo and video film";
you will learn how to make a make-up that looks flawless! Lecturer
School Portfolio
Fill the form to book a course with discount
16 february
Full cost
£345 before discount 40%
Photos of classes


Makeup school is an opportunity to earn a lot of money doing your favorite thing.
At the practical courses of the School of Makeup, you will learn the features of correcting various face shapes, master the basic techniques of makeup.
You expand your skills by mastering creative types of makeup and creating makeup.
At the practical courses of the School of Makeup, you will learn the features of correcting various face shapes, master the basic techniques of makeup.
You expand your skills by mastering creative types of makeup and creating makeup.
What we are proud of at the our school
What you will learn
To hide any facial skin problems;
To apply a perfect tone that lasts longer than 12 hours;
To master mixed techniques, working with stencils, creating various textures on the skin;
To implement complex feathers and gradients in seconds.

What will you get by studying at the courses
Enroll for course
Airbrush makeup course
- Practice with models
- All supplies are included
Full cost
£345 before discount 40%
How to get there
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road
Working hours:
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