Asian bridal makeup course
Today, bridal makeup occupies a leading position among the rest. And there is such a feature as “Asian make-up”, which includes many techniques and special approaches to the client. Do you want to expand the range of services and learn how to apply makeup in oriental style? Then our course is perfect for you.
course cost
training format
Asian Makeup Course Training Program
3 ac. hours
Theoretical Foundations
- Modern Trends in the World of Asian Wedding Makeup
- Rules for phasing in Asian makeup
- The right accents, the selection of textures and shades for Asian wedding makeup
3 ac. hours
- Finding the perfect tone for "yellow" skin;
- Eyes shape correction, of the eyebrows, lips and the nose.
3 ac. hours
- Applying make-up to a "flat" eye, devoid of a clear fold of the upper eyelid;
- Correction of a wide face, prominent cheekbones and chubby cheeks;
- Features of the implementation of cream, shadow and pencil technology.
Course Importance

Why choose this course
To delight clients, you need to know every detail of asian wedding makeup, from communication to the creation of an image. At the Ecole school make-up stylists with experience of more than 6 years teach. 
For whom
The course is intended for:
Who has already mastered the basic makeup techniques;
Who is afraid to experiment with bright shades on their own or simply does not know how to do it. 
Your future employers
The platforms for the work of a makeup artist are wide: salons, work at home, makeup schools, personal makeup artists of celebrities. Lecturer
School Portfolio
Fill the form to book a course with discount
29 march
Full cost
£650 before discount 40%
What does asian bridal courses look like


Makeup school is an opportunity to earn a lot of money doing your favorite thing.
At the practical courses of the School of Makeup, you will learn the features of correcting various face shapes, master the basic techniques of makeup.
You expand your skills by mastering creative types of makeup and creating makeup.
At the practical courses of the School of Makeup, you will learn the features of correcting various face shapes, master the basic techniques of makeup.
You expand your skills by mastering creative types of makeup and creating makeup.
What we are proud of at the our school
Your skills after the Asian bridal course
Portfolio of images
To take into account the features of the Asian face. After completing the course, students will be able to collect a portfolio of images. Makeup
To choose the perfect tone for “yellow” skin. To apply makeup on a «flat» eye, devoid of an obvious fold of the upper eyelid Rules
To adjust wide face, protruding cheekbones and puffy cheeks. Rules for phasing in Asian makeup. Trends
Modern Trends in the World of Asian Wedding Makeup 

Advantages of studying at our school
Enroll for course
Asian bridal makeup course
- Practice with models
- All supplies are included
Full cost
£650 before discount 40%
How to get there
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road
Working hours:
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