Ayurvedic massage training
During ayurvedic massage the specific points of the body, so called marma points, are being stimulated. It provides better detoxification of soft tissues, muscles and ligaments improvement. Massage reduces energy blockages and boost the common tone of the body. Its impact isn't physical only, but spiritual as well, it helps to recover all systems and organs, brings back movements to joints, calms down the mind and boost healing and rejuvenation process.
course cost
training format
Ayurvedic massage training program
2 ac. hours
Main principles of Ayurveda , the aim of ayurvedic treatment
- Types of human constitution from the point of view of Westerm medicine (differences in the secrecy of hormones, enzymes, blood cells, etc);
- Learning to define dosha imbalance;
- Differences when working with Vata, Pitta and Kapha patients.
3 ac. hours
Specific points of the human body
- Marma concept.
- How to prepare for the massage and how to finish the treatment.
- Types of oils, features of their use.
3 ac. hours
Oil massage techniques
- Abhyanga body massage with use of oils
- Shirt Abhyanga (head massage) and Mukha Abhyanga (face massage)
- Padabhyanga (foot massage) as an example of marma-massage.
4 ac. hours
Herbal powder massage techniques
- Powder massage technique;
- Udvartana with the use of herbal powder;
- Basics of Podi-massage (massage with use of herbal bags).
Course importance

Why choose this course
In a practical part of the course you'll learn how to perform 2 massage techniques: Abhyanga oil massage and Udvartana powder massage. And of course, practice them yourself on a model. 
For whom
masseurs and specialists or related occupations wishing to acquire a new massage technique to broaden the range of their skills and attract new clients. 
Your future employers
After acquiring ayurvedic massage techniques you will be able to work in SPA salons, beauty salons, massage salons or health and treatment resorts. Lecturer
Fill the form to book a course with discount
05 march
Full cost
£267 before discount 40%
What does ayurveda therapist courses look like
What we are proud of at our school
What you will learn
To study massage oils and decoctions ingredients;
To choose massage techniques individually for each client basing on indications;
To give personal recommendations to each client for the treatment process (daily routine, diet, herbs, etc);
To calculate the amount of oils and herbs and working time for each technique.

What will you get by studying at the courses
Enroll for course
Ayurvedic massage training
- Practice with models
- All supplies are included
Full cost
£267 before discount 40%
How to get there
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road
Working hours:
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