Reflexology courses
The weight loss treatment massage technique is aimed at increasing blood supply and lymph flow in the cellulite areas, removing swelling and reducing body fat. The course is suitable for both novice masseurs and long-practicing masters who want to learn all the techniques of fat-burning anti-cellulite massage.
course cost
training format
Reflexology training program
2 ac. hours
Theoretical foundations
- Anatomical features of the structure of the foot, point and zone of the feet.
- Types of foot massage. The connection of zones and points with problem areas of the body.
- Recommendations and prohibitions in the application of reflexology foot massage.
3 ac. hours
Foot massage techniques
You will master the massage techniques aimed at:
- Reduction of pain in the joints and back;
- Stress relief and chronic fatigue syndrome;
- Normalization of the digestive system;
- Getting rid of insomnia;
- Removal of numbness of the lower extremities.
3 ac. hours
Diagnosis & duration of massage
You learn how to determine which zones need to be used in the massage,
- To diagnose, to prescribe the duration of the course
- And the strength of the effect.
Course importance

Why choose this course
A short but effective course includes training in all types of fat-burning massage: vacuum, honey, lymphatic drainage, body wrap techniques, as well as several exclusive author’s massage techniques. 
For whom
The course of anti-fat therapy massage is designed for:
wellness treatment healthcare specialists;
massage aesthetists. 
Your future employers
After completing the course you will receive a certificate, it gives you the opportunity to get a job:
in health and sports centers,
beauty salons,
open a private practice. Lecturer
Fill the form to book a course with discount
05 march
Full cost
£229 before discount 40%
What does learn reflexology look like
What we are proud of at our school
What you will learn
We provide our graduates
We provide our graduates with job-placement and career services, including help with finding job openings, and building portfolios. Successful students are assisted in taking interviews with London hairdressing and barber studios. To get an international diploma
It is possible to get an international diploma with confirmation of your skills for working abroad. The diploma of L’ecole de Beauté is highly recognised among employers. Invited to take an interview assessment
Best students of our Hairdressing and Barbering School are invited to take an interview assessment. To find a job 7 days after graduation
Students of L’ecole de Beauté are able to find a job 7 days after graduation.

What will you get by studying at the courses
Enroll for course
Reflexology courses
- Practice with models
- All supplies are included
Full cost
£229 before discount 40%
How to get there
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road
Working hours:
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