Hot stone massage course

Hot stone massage course

If you want to learn how to professionally massage with hot stones, then come to our course and learn the art of oriental medicine in a few practical classes.
course cost
training format

Hot stone massage training course program

Theoretical foundations
2 ac. hours
Theoretical foundations
  • Рекомендации и противопоказания к массажу;
  • Массаж зон воздействия;
  • Основные принципы массажа.
Massage techniques with stones
3 ac. hours
Massage techniques with stones
  • Choice of stones for a specific massage procedure;
  • Spectrum and gradation of stone temperatures and boundaries of use in contrasting procedures;
  • The inclusion of stone work in a combination technique.
3 ac. hours
  • To carry out techniques of lymphatic drainage, warming up and toning;
  • To relieve clients of nervous and muscle tension, chronic fatigue, stress and depression with the help of stone therapy.
Course importance
Why choose this course
The most common stone massage with hot stones, procedures using cold and contrasting stones are also widely applicable. For competent mastery of the technique, we recommend that you take courses at the Ecole school.
For whom
This course is interesting for: Masseurs, cosmetologists, as well as for those who want to start a career as a professional massage therapist.
Your future employers
The opportunity to job in: spa facilities, beauty salons, as well as be the owner of your own business.


Dana Harvey
Masseur, teacher, over 10 years of experience

Specialization: head massage, relaxing massage, therapeutic massage

You will perform a massage on the model and you will be able to feel the problem areas that require special attention.
Read more
Dana Harvey

Fill the form to book a course with discount

40% 05 march

Full cost


£268 before discount 40%

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What does hot stone massage course in London look like
hot stone massage cource
hot stone massage cource
hot stone massage cource
hot stone massage cource
hot stone massage cource
hot stone massage cource
hot stone massage cource
hot stone massage cource
hot stone massage cource
hot stone massage cource

What we are proud of at our school

Supplies included. No hidden charges.
80% practice 20% theory
80% practice 20% theory
You will learn classic makeup skills.
7 days
7 days
Contact us for upcoming training dates.

What you will learn

to competently solve customer problems using various stone therapy techniques;
to use stone therapy to relieve clients from nervous and muscular tension chronic fatigue stress and depression
to carry out techniques of lymphatic drainage, warming up and toning;
to apply stone therapy for the most common problems of office workers

What will you get by studying at the courses

Intensive training courses
Intensive training courses
20% theory, 80% practice
20% theory, 80% practice
Free consumables
Free consumables
Diploma or certificate
Diploma or certificate

Enroll for course

Hot stone massage course

  • Practice with models
  • All supplies are included

Full cost


£268 before discount 40%


05 march

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How to get there
Address: Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road Working hours:
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