Indian head massage course
The most relaxing and enjoyable massage is a massage of the head and sh. The time spent for this procedure sweeps by. If you want to master modern massage techniques after 6 practical sessions, then this course is definitely for you! To make a professional relaxing head massage, you need to seriously think about choosing a training institution.
course cost
training format
Head massage course program
3 ac. hours
Theoretical foundations
- Reflex zones, meridians, biologically active points of the head area;
- Methods to eliminate migraine, insomnia and neurological symptoms with head and neck massage.
2 ac. hours
Massage techniques
- Relieve tension and improve blood circulation of the scalp;
- Activate the growth of hair on the head and improve their structure;
- Increase vitality, concentration and mental activity.
3 ac. hours
- To perform facial and head massage techniques;
- To do massage of the neck zone;
- To select oils for client’s relaxation.
Course importance

Why choose this course
Only a professional approach, many years of experience in the field of education and intensive training programs allow us to give a profession in the shortest possible time. 
For whom
The courses will be a great help for massage therapists, as well as for home use.
Head massage is a popular procedure in beauty salons and Spa treatments. 
Your future employers
You can be a masseur both in salons and at home. Having the necessary inventory, you can organize your own business. Lecturer
Fill the form to book a course with discount
26 march
Full cost
£435 before discount 40%
What does indian head massage training look like
What we are proud of at our school
What you will learn
to improve scalp and hair condition with massage;
to relieve headaches, eye strain;
to eliminate feelings of fatigue and tension by providing oxygen to the brain;
to relieve tension in the neck, head and cervical spine

What will you get by studying at the courses
Enroll for course
Indian head massage course
- Practice with models
- All supplies are included
Full cost
£435 before discount 40%
How to get there
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road
Working hours:
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