Lomi lomi massage courses
Lomilomi is a Hawaiian massage that allows to relieve stress, improve health, harmonize metabolism and cope with illnesses. That's why this massage technique is widely used by majority of SPA salons in various improvement and relaxation treatments.
course cost
training format
Lomi lomi massage training program
3 ac. hours
Hawaiian massage theory
- Diagnostics of client condition;
- Specifics of Hawaiian massage;
- Indications and restrictions for Lomilomi massage.
3 ac. hours
Basic techniques
- "A Hawaiian eight'', positioning arms and the body of the masseur;
- Willow dance (movements around the table allowing to achieve evenness and easiness when working with client);
- Kalana Hula (meditation in movement for achieving balancing and support of your own energy).
- Work with vibrational circulating Piko-Piko breathing style.
4 ac. hours
Practice on models
- Hawaiian stretching techniques (differential impact);
- Therapeutic massage Lomilomi Nui;
- Relaxation massage Kahi-Loa;
- Kino Mana massage (self-massaging techniques and stretching).
Course importance

Why choose this course
Breathing, massage, body practices, and work with energy are the components of Lomilomi massage that provide miraculously healing effect and guarantee full relaxation. 
For whom
everyone wishing to learn it for himself/herself (without medical education);
people planning to work in massage salons and wishing to acquire a new
technique in details;
people with medical education (proficiency increase). 
Your future employers
After the courses, you will be able to work in SPA salons, medical centers, beauty salons, yoga centers, health resorts. Lecturer
School Portfolio
Fill the form to book a course with discount
05 march
Full cost
£267 before discount 40%
What does lomi lomi massage classes look like
What we are proud of at our school
What you will learn
To define person's condition;
To choose the proper technique of massage for each individual client;
To perform Lomilomi Hawaiian massage;
To approach comprehensively to work with clients.

What will you get by studying at the courses
Enroll for course
Lomi lomi massage courses
- Practice with models
- All supplies are included
Full cost
£267 before discount 40%
How to get there
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road
Working hours:
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