Massage course for beginners
If you have long wanted to become a massage therapist, then come to a massage course for beginners and learn how to draw up your first techniques after 6 practical classes. To become a real professional massage therapist, mastering the basics and techniques on your own will not work. Next to you should be experienced teachers who share their own experience and show in practice how to apply theoretical knowledge.
course cost
training format
Massage Training Program
4 ac. hours
Preparation for massage
You will learn the safety precautions of massage. You will learn how not to harm the person being massaged during the procedure. You will know what materials and equipment are needed for massage, and how to use them correctly.
5 ac. hours
Hands and fingers positioning
You will learn how to develop strength in your arms, hands and fingers so that your massage is most effective. Hold your hands correctly during the massage, and learn how to warm up your hands before the massage.
5 ac. hours
Ironing and stretching
Basic massage movements that warm up and prepare the skin and muscles for further massage. Learn not to make the mistake of novice massage therapists and not skip these important stages of massage.
5 ac. hours
Kneading and vibration
You will be able to perform smooth transitions from one technique to another, combining them with each other and making the massage continuous. You will relax the hammered and stiff muscles of the person being massaged with kneading movements and vibration.
5 ac. hours
Performance of massage
You will learn how to manage time when performing a massage in order to have time to work out all the necessary zones. You will massage the model and you will be able to feel the problem areas that require special attention.
Course importance

Why choose this course
At the Ecole school, teachers with experience of more than 6 years will work with you — choose a specialized institution for training. 
For whom
Opening new horizons for those who have long wanted to comprehend the world of massage. 
Your future employers
Rehabilitation centers;
sports and health clinics;
and also, having the necessary equipment, you can organize your own business. Lecturer
Fill the form to book a course with discount
05 march
Full cost
£1,200 before discount 40%
What does massage classes look like
What we are proud of at our school
What you will learn
To combine massage techniques;
You will learn how to warm up and prepare the skin using rubbing and stroking techniques, as well as relax muscles with kneading and vibration movements. To perform a painless and safe massage;
You will learn to do massage safely for the person being massaged and not harm him, observing sanitary standards and safety rules. To identify and massage clogged muscles;
You will find the hard muscles of the massaged by touch and stretch them, thereby relaxing them. To use massage techniques in a bent and upright position
You will use your muscles correctly and vary the contact surface during massage 

What will you get by studying at the courses
Enroll for course
Massage course for beginners
- Practice with models
- All supplies are included
Full cost
£1,200 before discount 40%
How to get there
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road
Working hours:
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