Acrylic nail course
To be a demanded nail technician you need to constantly improve your knowledge and offer customers a wide selection of their services. If this is important for you, then learn how to do acrylic nail extension after 4 practical exercises.
course cost
training format
Acrylic nail courses program
8 ac. hours
- Tools and materials for nail extension with acrylic;
- Nail extension techniques for nail tips and shapes;
- Strengthening nails with acrylic powder.
3 ac. hours
Correction and removal
- Correction of nails;
- Removal of nails;
- Working with complex and problem nails.
2 ac. hours
Working with clients
- How to start correctly;
- Psychology of communication;
- Possible problems;
- Determination of prices for services.
Course importance

Choose specifically
Students at L'ecole de Beauté can choose specifically what they need at an affordable price or even build their own course by combining several different programmes.

However, we recommend our students to have their own personal hygiene products and a minimal kit of tools. 
All expendable supplies
At our Nail School all expendable supplies, materials and major equipment are provided for the students to use during the course in the class. Lecturer
School Portfolio
Fill the form to book a course with discount
28 march
Full cost
£20,000 before discount 40%
What we are proud of at our school
What you will learn
to work with short nails, giving them the required length;
to carry out filing of extended nails to almond and square shapes;
to repair broken nails with extension;
to correct the shape of those nail plates that have been deformed or grow incorrectly

Certificate Information
Enroll for course
Acrylic nail course
- Practice with models
- All supplies are included
Full cost
£20,000 before discount 40%
How to get there
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road
Working hours:
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