Manicure and pedicure course

Manicure and pedicure course

The course of hardware manicure and pedicure is a deep immersion in the profession. During the training period, you master all the skills necessary for working in a beauty salon. Due to the large number of practical workouts, you can safely go to job immediately after graduation.
course cost
training format

Manicure and pedicure courses program

Theoretical foundations
3 ac. hours
Theoretical foundations
  • The basics of the hardware manicure, what equipment is needed. 
  • Safety precautions. 
  • Pros and cons of hardware manicure, with what other manicure can it be combined.
Practice of the hardware manicure
3 ac. hours
Practice of the hardware manicure
  • Work with the nail roller and cuticle;
  • The choice of cutters for various tasks in hardware manicure;
  • Preparing the nail for varnishing.
Practice of the hardware pedicure
8 ac. hours
Practice of the hardware pedicure
  • Features of various cutters for hardware pedicure;
  • Work with the nail plate and cuticle line;
  • Work with calluses and cracks.

Hygienic cleaning
4 ac. hours
Hygienic cleaning
  • Hygienic cleaning of nails on fingers and toes;
  • Cleaning of calluses on the feet and removal of corns;
  • Sawing nails and shaping them.
Course importance
A common mistakes of beginners in hardware nail processing are nail file cutting, cuticle indentation, damage to the nail rollers. To perform manicures and pedicures efficiently and quickly, come to study at the Eсole school courses.
The course is suitable: for beginners,  for those who want to process nails quickly and painlessly. For nail technicians, advanced training.
Having behind us the experience of completing our courses, you can work in leading beauty salons, as well as work for yourself owning modern technology.


Lindsay Skinner
Master of nail service, work experience over 5 years

Specialization: nail design, nail care, men's manicure, nail extension, manicure, nail strengthening, pedicure
It doesn't matter how you feel: smile, get up, get dressed, get your nails done and never give up again!
Read more
Lindsay Skinner
School Portfolio

Fill the form to book a course with discount

40% 11 march

Full cost


£14,500 before discount 40%

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What we are proud of at our school

Supplies included. No hidden charges.
80% practice 20% theory
80% practice 20% theory
You will learn classic makeup skills.
7 days
7 days
Contact us for upcoming training dates.

What you will learn

to work with short nails, giving them the required length;
to do hardware manicure and pedicure;
to repair broken nails with extension;
to correct the shape of those nail plates that have been deformed or grow incorrectly

Certificate Information

Intensive training courses
Intensive training courses
20% theory, 80% practice
20% theory, 80% practice
Free consumables
Free consumables
Diploma or certificate
Diploma or certificate

Enroll for course

Manicure and pedicure course

  • Practice with models
  • All supplies are included

Full cost


£14,500 before discount 40%


11 march

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How to get there
Address: Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road Working hours:
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