Polygel training
As part of the course, you will learn how to work with hybrid materials (acrygel, polygel, acrylate) in order to correctly do a manicure, model the shape, and repair cracks using a polygel. You will receive a concentration of knowledge and skills that you can immediately apply in your work.
course cost
training format
Training Program
3 ac. hours
- Chemistry and physics of materials (what are polygels (acrygels);
- Selection of brushes and tools;
- Features of strengthening nails with polygel.
3 ac. hours
Techniques of work
- Brush technique;
- Manicure scheme when working with strengthening and building without sawdust in 30 minutes;
- Sawdust pattern for strengthening and building (square, oval, almond).
6 ac. hours
- Strengthening, building and correcting coverage;
- Removal of polygel;
- Repair and extension with polygel without form setting.
Course importance

Why choose this course
The course covers salon techniques for restoration, restoration, strengthening and extension of natural nails with polygel (acrygel) systems. 
For whom
This course is designed for masters who want to master modern techniques and technologies for strengthening and extending nails with polygel. 
Your future employers
Knowing how to restore and safely strengthen nails in 30 minutes, you can open a private practice or work in manicure salons. Lecturer
School Portfolio
Fill the form to book a course with discount
16 february
Full cost
£267 before discount 40%
What does polygel training look like
What we are proud of at our school
What you will learn
to install forms on different types of nail plate;
to shape free edge without surface filing;
to model nails in different shapes - a square, or a soft square, or an oval, or an almond;
to restore natural nails and complete broken corners.

Advantages of studying at our school
Enroll for course
Polygel training
- Practice with models
- All supplies are included
Full cost
£267 before discount 40%
How to get there
Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road
Working hours:
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